This document is about: FUSION 2

Asteroids Simple

Level 4


The Fusion Asteroids sample is a beginner sample showing how to implement simple arcade top-down gameplay.

This sample showcases how to create a simple game with Fusion using the most simple approach possible. Therefore the approach presented in this sample includes "good" development practices but forgoes "best" practices for sake of simplicity.

The Fusion Asteroids sample comes in two variants:

  • Asteroids Host Mode Simple; and,
  • Asteroids Shared Mode Simple.

Each version uses the mode included in its name.

IMPORTANT: The code in these versions is NOT interchangeable!

This is the simplest beginner sample for Fusion and a good step for learning Fusion after completing the Fusion Host Mode Basics tutorial or Fusion Shared Mode Basics tutorial; if you haven't completed either yet, we encourage you to go through the tutorial series before diving into the Fusion Asteroids sample.

It is strongly recommended acquiring a complete understanding of this sample before moving on to any of the beginner examples.

Before You Start

To run the sample, first create a Fusion AppId in the PhotonEngine Dashboard and paste it into the Fusion App Id field in the Fusion Hub (/Tools/Fusion/Fusion Hub in the Unity top bar menu).

Starting the Game

The Fusion Asteroids game can be started by opening the menu scene (/Asteroids-Host-Simple/Scenes/AsteroidsSimple-Menu or /Asteroids-Shared-Simple/Scenes/AsteroidsSimple-Menu) and entering play mode.


  • W, A, S, D, to move the spaceship.
  • Left Mouse Button to fire.

Download - Host Mode Simple

Version Release Date Download
2.0.1 Sep 24, 2024 Fusion Asteroids Host Simple 2.0.1 Build 660

Download - Shared Mode Simple

Version Release Date Download
2.0.1 Jun 11, 2024 Fusion Asteroids Shared Simple 2.0.1 Build 573
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