This document is about: QUANTUM 3

Getting Started

Setting the 2D mode

The game sample works in Unity 2D mode and the related QUANTUM_XY mode. Make sure that both are set.

  • Select the Unity editor scene windows and toggle on the 2D mode.
  • Select the QuantumEditorSettings asset Tools > Quantum > Find Config > Quantum Editor Settings and toggle on the Quantum XY mode.

Playing the game in local, single player mode

  • Open and start the QuantumGameScene scene (Assets/Scenes/QuantumGameScene.unity)
  • Click on a character button to join the game

Gameplay controls

  • Use A S to movement
  • Use the mouse to aim and Left Mouse Button to shoot
  • Space to jump
  • Q E to change weapon
  • F to use the grenade

Gameplay features

  • 2D platform shooter
  • Double jump
  • Area damage
  • Grenades
  • Weapon reload time
  • Change weapon using weapon inventory

Playing the game online

  • Start by Creating a Photon Quantum AppId and pasting it into the PhotonServerSettings asset
  • Open and start the QuantumSampleMenu scene (Assets/Scenes/QuantumSampleMenu.unity)
  • Press Quick Play to connect to the Photon Quantum Cloud and create and join an online Quantum game session

Playing online with multiple clients

To play with multiple clients, create a build on one machine for a target platform and start multiple instances on the same PC or on different devices.

By default the best (pinged) region is connected to. Clients that are connecting to different regions will not be matched together, instead go to the settings game menu and toggle a region explicitly.

Additionally to the region Photon matchmaking only matches clients of the same AppId and AppVersion together. The Quantum menu is set up to use an AppVersion that is unique to the machine that creates the build, so reduce the chance of matching players of incompatible builds.

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