This document is about: PUN 1

PUN Classic (v1)、PUN 2、Boltはメンテナンスモードとなっております。Unity2022についてはPUN 2でサポートいたしますが、新機能が追加されることはありません。お客様のPUNプロジェクトおよびBoltプロジェクトが停止することはなく、将来にわたってパフォーマンス性能が落ちることはありません。 今後の新しいプロジェクトについては、Photon FusionまたはQuantumへ切り替えていただくようよろしくお願いいたします。



CameraWork Scriptを作成

  1. CameraWorkという名前の新しいC#スクリプトを作成します。

  2. CameraWorkの内容を以下のように置換します:


    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    namespace Com.MyCompany.MyGame
        /// <summary>
        /// Camera work. Follow a target
        /// </summary>
        public class CameraWork : MonoBehaviour
            #region Public Properties
            [Tooltip("The distance in the local x-z plane to the target")]
            public float distance = 7.0f;
            [Tooltip("The height we want the camera to be above the target")]
            public float height = 3.0f;
            [Tooltip("The Smooth time lag for the height of the camera.")]
            public float heightSmoothLag = 0.3f;
            [Tooltip("Allow the camera to have a vertical from the target, for example giving more view of the scenery and less ground.")]
            public Vector3 centerOffset =;
            [Tooltip("Set this as false if a component of a prefab being instantiated by Photon Network and manually call OnStartFollowing() when and if needed.")]
            public bool followOnStart = false;
            #region Private Properties
            // cached transform of the target
            Transform cameraTransform;
            // maintain a flag internally to reconnect if the target is lost or the camera is switched
            bool isFollowing;
            // Represents the current velocity, this value is modified by SmoothDamp() every time you call it.
            private float heightVelocity = 0.0f;
            // Represents the position we are trying to reach using SmoothDamp()
            private float targetHeight = 100000.0f;
            #region MonoBehaviour Messages
            /// <summary>
            /// MonoBehaviour method called on GameObject by Unity during initialization phase
            /// </summary>
            void Start()
                // Start following the target if wanted.
                if (followOnStart)
            /// <summary>
            /// MonoBehaviour method called after all Update functions have been called. This is useful to order script execution. For example a follow camera should always be implemented in LateUpdate because it tracks objects that might have moved inside Update.
            /// </summary>
            void LateUpdate()
                // The transform target may not destroy on level load,
                // so we need to cover corner cases where the Main Camera is different every time we load a new scene and reconnect when that happens
                if (cameraTransform == null && isFollowing)
                // only follow is explicitly declared
                if (isFollowing)
                    Apply ();
            #region Public Methods
            /// <summary>
            /// Raises the start following event.
            /// Use this when you don't know at the time of editing what to follow, typically instances managed by the photon network.
            /// </summary>
            public void OnStartFollowing()
                cameraTransform = Camera.main.transform;
                isFollowing = true;
                // we don't smooth anything, we go straight to the right camera shot
            #region Private Methods
            /// <summary>
            /// Follow the target smoothly
            /// </summary>
            void Apply()
                Vector3 targetCenter = transform.position + centerOffset;
                // Calculate the current & target rotation angles
                float originalTargetAngle = transform.eulerAngles.y;
                float currentAngle = cameraTransform.eulerAngles.y;
                // Adjust real target angle when camera is locked
                float targetAngle = originalTargetAngle;
                currentAngle = targetAngle;
                targetHeight = targetCenter.y + height;
                // Damp the height
                float currentHeight = cameraTransform.position.y;
                currentHeight = Mathf.SmoothDamp( currentHeight, targetHeight, ref heightVelocity, heightSmoothLag );
                // Convert the angle into a rotation, by which we then reposition the camera
                Quaternion currentRotation = Quaternion.Euler( 0, currentAngle, 0 );
                // Set the position of the camera on the x-z plane to:
                // distance meters behind the target
                cameraTransform.position = targetCenter;
                cameraTransform.position += currentRotation * Vector3.back * distance;
                // Set the height of the camera
                cameraTransform.position = new Vector3( cameraTransform.position.x, currentHeight, cameraTransform.position.z );
                // Always look at the target    
            /// <summary>
            /// Directly position the camera to a the specified Target and center.
            /// </summary>
            void Cut( )
                float oldHeightSmooth = heightSmoothLag;
                heightSmoothLag = 0.001f;
                heightSmoothLag = oldHeightSmooth;
            /// <summary>
            /// Sets up the rotation of the camera to always be behind the target
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="centerPos">Center position.</param>
            void SetUpRotation( Vector3 centerPos )
                Vector3 cameraPos = cameraTransform.position;
                Vector3 offsetToCenter = centerPos - cameraPos;
                // Generate base rotation only around y-axis
                Quaternion yRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation( new Vector3( offsetToCenter.x, 0, offsetToCenter.z ) );
                Vector3 relativeOffset = Vector3.forward * distance + Vector3.down * height;
                cameraTransform.rotation = yRotation * Quaternion.LookRotation( relativeOffset );
  3. スクリプトCameraWorkを保存します。





  1. ローカルプレイヤーにのみCameraWorkスクリプトを添付する。
  2. 追従するプレイヤーがローカルプレイヤーかどうかに応じてオンとオフを切り替え、CameraWorkの動作を制御する。
  3. CameraWorkをカメラに取り付け、シーン内にローカルプレイヤーインスタンスがある場合は注意をして、そのプレイヤーのみを追従するようにする。


  • パブリックプロパティfollowOnStartを公開しましたので、非ネットワーク化された環境でこれを使用する場合はtrueに設定してください。

  • ネットワークベースのゲームで動作する際、プレイヤーがローカルプレイヤーであると検出した場合にはパブリックメソッドOnStartFollowing()を呼び出します。


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