This document is about: QUANTUM 3


  1. Import the .unitypackage in the Unity project;

  2. Go to root EntityPrototype Game Object and add the script AnimatorMecanim:

Adding Animator to Prototype
  1. Add an empty Unity Animator component into the same object or in a child
Adding Unity Animator
  1. In a folder of your preference, create a new AnimatorGraph asset:
AnimatorGraph creation
  1. Select it and, in the Controller field, make a reference to the Unity
    animator controller that should be baked:
Unity controller reference
  1. Click on the Bake Animator Graph button and the states, transitions, parameters, etc, will be baked into the asset:
Baking Animator Graph
  1. In the Entity Prototype, add the AnimatorComponent and, in the Animator Graph field, reference the asset of preference:
Adding AnimatorComponent
  1. In the SystemConfig asset, add the AnimatorSystem, AnimatorBehaviourSystem and AnimatorTriggersSystem systems:
Adding Systems
  1. Create a new Game Object in the game scene and add the AnimatorViewUpdater component to it:
Adding AnimatorViewUpdater
  1. This is the initial setup. Using the Animator API on the simulation, such as setting animator parameter values in runtime is already enough to start the deterministic animations.

The basic API is similarly to how it is done on Unity, use Getters and Setters in order to read/write to the Animator:


// Getters
AnimatorComponent.GetBoolean(frame, filter.AnimatorComponent, "Defending");
AnimatorComponent.GetFixedPoint(frame, filter.AnimatorComponent, "Direction");
AnimatorComponent.GetInteger(frame, filter.AnimatorComponent, "State");

// Setters
AnimatorComponent.SetBoolean(frame, filter.AnimatorComponent, "Defending", true);
AnimatorComponent.SetInteger(frame, filter.AnimatorComponent, "Direction", 25);
AnimatorComponent.SetFixedPoint(frame, filter.AnimatorComponent, "Speed", FP._1);
AnimatorComponent.SetTrigger(frame, filter.AnimatorComponent, "Shoot");

Replacing the old Custom Animator

  1. Make sure you have a backup of the project.
  2. Delete QuantumUser/Simulation/QuantumCustomAnimator.
  3. Delete QuantumUser/View/CustomAnimator.
  4. Delete Scripts/QuantumCustomAnimator.
  5. Import QuantumAnimator.unitypackage.
  6. On all scripts that uses CustomAnimator replace with AnimatorComponent.
  7. Remove Custom.Animator.AnimatorUpdater from Frame.User.

Replacing CustomAnimatorGraph

In case the CustomAnimatorGraph assets is not working follow this steps:

  1. Change the Inspector to Debug mode.
  2. Select the asset and remove the attached Controller.
  3. Click on Import Mecanim Controller.
  4. Reattach the Controller and click on Import Mecanim Controller again;
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