This document is about: QUANTUM 3

Flow Fields Sample

Level 4
Available in the Gaming Circle and Industries Circle


Version Release Date Download
3.0.0 Sep 02, 2024 Flow Fields Sample 3.0.0 Build 500

Basic Example

The simple example showcases only one moving unit in a static predefined map.

Example Basic

Where to look?

  • The example is implemented in the 'ExampleBasic' scene;
  • \quantum_unity\Assets\Photon\FlowFields\ExampleBasic;


  • Right Mouse Button - sets unit's new destination

Map Definition

  • FlowFieldMap is created when simulation starts from static data (ExampleBasicSystem.cs)

Advanced Example

The advanced example showcases multiple units with avoidance and final destination grouping.

Example Advanced

Where to look?

  • The example is implemented 'ExampleAdvanced' scene;
  • \quantum_unity\Assets\Photon\FlowFields\ExampleAdvanced;
  • \quantum_code\quantum.code\ExampleAdvanced


  • Left Mouse Button - click/drag to select single/multiple units;
  • Right Mouse Button - set a new destination for selected unit;
  • WASD/arrows - camera movement;
  • scroll wheel - camera zoom;
  • Q - spawn a new unit on the cursor position;
  • E - change the cost of the tile on cursor position (between 1 a 255)

Map Definition

  • The Map parameters are defined in TileMapSetup (\Assets\Photon\FlowFields\ExampleAdvanced\Resources\DB\ExampleAdvancedTileMapSetup);
  • The Map cost field is baked via TileMapBaker - based on Static Box and Circle colliders placed in scene;
  • FlowFieldMap is created when the simulation starts (TileMapSystem.cs)


Units are moved by setting their velocity based on data provided by FlowFieldPathfinder.


Avoidance between units is done with physics. The Physics Solver Iterations are set to 0. To tweak the behaviour you can play with Penetration Allowance and Penetration Correction in Simulation Config.

  • Penetration Allowance - Allow a certain degree of penetration to improve the stability of the physics simulation.
  • Penetration Correction - How much of the exceeding penetration (above allowance) should be corrected in a single frame. 0 = no correction, 1 = full correction.


When multiple units are controlled at the same time they are put into a UnitGroup. Units still move on their own (they can choose different paths towards the destination) but their final destination is stored in the formation.

Release Notes

Based on Quantum version 3.0 Stable 1523

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