This document is about: FUSION 1


Level 4


Gameye is a hosting service provider that specializes in running Dedicated Game Servers across different regions worldwide. With its user-friendly API, Gameye offers seamless orchestration services that can easily scale to meet your specific needs. To learn more about Gameye and its services, you can visit their official website at

This page provides instructions for setting up the Photon Fusion SDK to deploy and run a Dedicated Server using Gameye.

How to Run

Gameye's Server Orchestration works by spawning and managing Docker Containers on their infracturure, which make it quite easy to run a Fusion Dedicated Server using their services.

1. Setup

In order to deploy a Fusion Dedicated Server on Gameye, it is necessary to obtain an Authentication Token and set up a Docker Hub Repository.
The Docker Hub Repository will serve as the storage for the Fusion Server Docker Image.
It is recommended to refer to Gameye's documentation for detailed instructions. Users are advised to carefully follow the provided steps outlined in the documentation before proceeding.

2. Dedicated Server Build

Please follow the steps outlined in the Fusion Dedicated Server Sample documentation page to set up and create a build of your project that can function as a Dedicated Server. It is recommended to initially test the default sample separately to grasp the overall concept of the build and deployment process before integrating it into your own project.

3. Server Docker Image

For the purpose of creating a Docker Image for the Fusion Dedicated Server Build, please refer to the instructions provided on the Fusion Dedicated Server Docker Image documentation page.
This example serves as a basic guide, offering the necessary flexibility for deploy configuration.
It enables you to define the Session Name and Region when spawning a new Dedicated Server, for example.

Once you have prepared the Fusion Dedicated Server to run as a Docker Container, proceed to push it to the pre-configured Docker Hub Repository in collaboration with the Gameye team. This step will prepare you for deployment.

4. Server Deploy

Starting a new Dedicated Server with Gameye is a straightforward process that involves invoking an HTTP API. For detailed information, please refer to the API Doc page available at

To initiate the Spawn action, simply make a request to and provide a JSON body as illustrated below (more info at By following these steps, you will have a fully operational Dedicated Server in just a matter of seconds:


  "id": "<gameye match id>",
  "location": "<gameye region>",
  "image": "<gameye image id>",
  "env": {},
  "args": [
    "-s <game session name>",
    "-r <photon region>"
  "restart": false,
  "enableMetrics": false,
  "labels": {}

As indicated in the Fusion Dedicated Server Docker Image documentation page, configuring your Dedicated Server can be easily done through command line arguments. This feature proves to be highly convenient as it enables you to set up your server by specifying the appropriate arguments, as demonstrated in the provided JSON example. By including the Session ID and Region parameters, you can effectively customize your server.

Furthermore, when operating a Dedicated Server on a global cloud hosting service, it is crucial to consider the geographical location where the server will be deployed. For a Fusion Server, it is imperative to connect it to a Photon Cloud Region. To ensure optimal performance, it is essential to carefully select the most suitable Region for your server. For detailed information regarding Region options, please refer to the Region Reference Mapping provided below.

Extra Information

Region Reference Mapping

Gameye Region Photon Region
eu-west Europe (eu)
eu-south Europe (eu)
na-east USA, East (us)
na-central USA, East (us)
na-west USA, West (usw)
sa-east South America (sa)
asia-east Asia (asia)
asia-northeast Japan (jp)
oce-east Japan (jp)
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