Performance Tips












You can usually send less to avoid traffic issues.
Doing so has a lot of different approaches:

Don't Send More Than What's Needed

Exchange only what's totally necessary.
Send only relevant values and derive as much as you can from them.
Optimize what you send based on the context.
Try to think about what you send and how often.
Non critical data should be either recomputed on the receiving side based on the data synchronized or with what's happening in game instead of forced via synchronization.


  • In an RTS, you could send "orders" for a bunch of units when they happen.
    This is much leaner than sending position, rotation and velocity for each unit ten times a second.
    Good read: 1500 archers.

  • In a shooter, send a shot as position and direction.
    Bullets generally fly in a straight line, so you don't have to send individual positions every 100 ms.
    You can clean up a bullet when it hits anything or after it travelled "so many" units.

  • Don't send animations. Usually you can derive all animations from input and actions a player does.
    There is a good chance that a sent animation gets delayed and playing it too late usually looks awkward anyways.

  • Use delta compression. Send only values when they changes since last time they were sent.
    Use interpolation of data to smooth values on the receiving side.
    It's preferable over brute force synchronization and will save traffic.

Don't Send Too Much

Optimize exchanged types and data structures.


  • Make use of bytes instead of ints for small ints, make use of ints instead of floats where possible.
  • Avoid exchanging strings at all costs and prefer enums/bytes instead.
  • Avoid exchanging custom types unless you are totally sure about what get sent.

Use another service to download static or bigger data (e.g. maps).
Photon is not built as content delivery system.
It's often cheaper and easier to maintain to use HTTP-based content systems.
Anything that's bigger than the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) will be fragmented and sent as multiple reliable packages (they have to arrive to assemble the full message again).

Don't Send Too Often

  • Lower the send rate, you should go under 10 if possible.
    This depends on your gameplay of course.
    This has a major impact on traffic.
    You can also use adaptive or dynamic send rate based on the user's activity or the exchanged data, this is also helping a lot.

  • Send unreliable when possible.
    You can use unreliable messages in most cases if you have to send another update as soon as possible.
    Unreliable messages never cause a repeat.
    Example: In an FPS, player position can usually be sent unreliable.


與 "流量 "主題相關的問題是,只生產可以在接收端消耗的數據量。










更大的數據 "流 "會大大影響延遲,因為它們在發送前需要從許多包中重新組裝。
它們可以在一個單獨的通道中發送,所以它們不會影響一個(較低)通道號碼的 "實時 "位置更新。

Reduce Allocations With Pooled ByteArraySlice

By default, Photon clients in C# SDKs serializes byte[] and ArraySegment<byte> as byte[].
On the receiving side, this allocates a new byte[] of the same length, which is passed to the OnEvent callbacks.
ByteArraySlice is a non-alloc / non-boxing alternative to these options.

ByteArraySlice is a wrapper class for a byte[] very similar to ArraySegment<byte>, except that it is a recyclable class.
As a class it can be cast to object (which all Photon messages are cast to) without creating an allocation from boxing.

The fields/properties of ByteArraySlice are:

  • Buffer: The wrapped byte[] array.
  • Offset: The starting byte the transport will read from.
  • Count: The number of bytes that were written past the Offset.

Serialization Usage

This can be done in of two ways:

Acquire from ByteArraySlicePool


void Serialization()
    // Get a pooled Slice.
    var pool = loadBalancingClient.LoadBalancingPeer.ByteArraySlicePool;
    var slice = pool.Acquire(256);

    // Write your serialization to the byte[] Buffer.
    // Set Count to the number of bytes written.
    slice.Count = MySerialization(slice.Buffer);

    loadBalancingClient.OpRaiseEvent(MSG_ID, slice, opts, sendOpts);

    // The ByteArraySlice that was Acquired is automatically returned to the pool
    // inside of the OpRaiseEvent

Maintain your own ByteArraySlice


private ByteArraySlice slice = new ByteArraySlice(new byte[1024]);

void Serialization()
    // Write your serialization to the byte[] Buffer.
    // Set Count to the number of bytes written.
    slice.Count = MySerialization(slice.Buffer);

    loadBalancingClient.OpRaiseEvent(MSG_ID, slice, opts, sendOpts);

Deserialization Usage

By default byte[] data is deserialized to new byte[x].
We must set LoadBalancingPeer.UseByteArraySlicePoolForEvents = true to enable the non-alloc conduit.
Once enabled, we cast incoming objects to ByteArraySlice rather than byte[].


// By default byte arrays arrive as byte[]
// UseByateArraySlicePoolForEvents must be enabled to use this feature
private static void EnableByteArraySlicePooling()
    loadBalancingPeer.UseByteArraySlicePoolForEvents = true;

private void OnEvent(EventData photonEvent)
    // Rather than casting to byte[], we now cast to ByteArraySlice
    ByteArraySlice slice = photonEvent.CustomData as ByteArraySlice;

    // Read in the contents of the byte[] Buffer
    // Your custom deserialization code for byte[] will go here.
    Deserialize(slice.Buffer, slice.Count);

    // Be sure to release the slice back to the pool


C#客戶端通過OnEvent(EventData ev)接收事件。默認情況下,每個EventData都是一個新的實例,這給垃圾收集器帶來一些額外的工作。


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