Apple Vision Pro Intro

Developing an application for visionOS is straightforward, and the Photon product's regular documentation can be used for this purpose.

However, to help you in the development of spatial applications, we provide specific samples and addons. This will simplify and accelerate the prototyping of your applications.

Fusion technical samples

Some Fusion technical samples are available for all XR targets, to bootstrap an application with ease.

VR Shared

The VR Shared sample includes in-depth explanation on how to organize a project to use Fusion's shared topology.
It is the most simple way to start a XR project, and should cover a large spectrum of use cases.

VR host

For more advanced needs (competitive PvP, advanced physics), the host topology also has a dedicated XR sample, VR Host

XR addons

In addition to these samples, a collection of reusable prototyping addons is available to build an XR project.

These XR addons allows for instance:

Fingers synchronization demo

Industries addons

In addition to these starting addons, more advanced features are available to Circle members, in the industries addons.

It includes for instance:

Apple Vision Pro specific addons and samples

In addition to cross-platform samples and addons, some are dedicated to the visionOS platform.

Cross-platform mixed reality sample

The cross-platform mixed reality sample demonstrates how to prepare an application allowing both Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest's users to share a multiplayer session.

Apple vision Pro users can use an immersive space, similar to the Meta Quest's user experience, or see the scene from a bounded volume, to have an overview of all the users from above.

VisionOS helpers

The visionOS helpers addon addresses some specificities of the visionOS platform.

It makes the indirect pinch compatible with XRShare grabbing, provides tools to synchronize the bounded/unbounded Polyspatial's state, and also offers some cross-platform tools, like a LineRenderer replacement, or helpers to mimic the visionOS windows behavior in Unity.

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